Rules / Policies / Schedules


The fundamental rules and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of the Monroe County Senior League Baseball Association.

adobe You can view the current Constitution here. (Last updated 10-12-2020)


The internal management of the league as it pertains to the Monroe County Senior League Baseball Association.

adobe You can view the By-Laws here.  (In Progress)


The authoritative regulation for action, conduct, method, procedure, and arrangement for Monroe County Senior League Baseball Association.

adobe You can view the SPRING SEASON Special Rules here.  (Last updated 4-2-2024)

adobe You can view the SPRING SUMMER SEASON Special Rules here.  (Last updated 2-20-2022) (NOTE: This set of rules applies to the SUMMER season starting in 2024)

adobe You can view the FALL SEASON Special Rules here.  (Last updated 8-6-2023)


adobe MCSLBA Sponsorship Schedule – Signed  (Last updated 1-14-2024)

adobe MCSLBA Compensation Schedule – Signed (Last updated 4-14-2024)