
Below you will find information pertaining to managers and coaches, like the coaches code, required certification information and manager applications.

Coaching Application

If you are interested in coaching a team, please contact us at and we will get an application form sent out to you.

Certification and Training

The requirement is that all baseball managers affiliated with MCSLBA must complete coaching education and become certified to coach. MCSLBA utilizes the Babe Ruth League Coaching Education Program “Coaching Youth Baseball: The Ripken Way for Babe Ruth Baseball Coaches”

For more information, please visit The Babe Ruth League Coaching Education Program website.

Coaches Code of Ethics Pledge

I hereby Pledge to live up to and follow the Coaches’ Code of Ethics Pledge.

1.  I will place the emotional and physical well being of my players ahead of any personal desire to win.

2. I will remember to treat each player as an individual, remembering the large spread of emotional and physical development for the same age group.

3. I will do my very best to provide a safe playing situation for my players.

4. I promise to review and practice the necessary first aid principles needed to treat injuries of my players.

5. I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all my players.

6. I will lead, by example, in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all my players.

7. I will insure that I am knowledgeable in the rules of each sport that I coach, and that I will teach these rules to my players.

8. I will use those coaching techniques appropriate for each of the skills that I teach.

9. I will remember that I am a youth coach, and that the game is for children and not adults.

Coaches  Roles and Responsibilities

Part of a Child’s Life
Coaches must recognize that youth sports are only a part of a child’s life. All coaches must remember that when you become a coach you become part of a child’s life. You make a very big impression!

Drug Tobacco & Alcohol-Free Environment
Coaches must encourage and be drug, tobacco and alcohol-free at youth league sporting events.

Parent Relations
Confrontational parents must be dealt with calmly and not in front of players & other parents.

Today’s Society
Coaches must be aware of society’s view on: Physical and Verbal Abuse, Physical Contact, Pedophilia, Sleepovers, Liability

Positive Role Models
Coaches must be positive role models, exhibiting sportsmanlike behavior at games, practices, and home, while also giving positive reinforcement to the child and support to their child’s parents. Coaches are also representatives of the league.

Safe Playing Situations
Coaches must insist on safe playing facilities, healthful playing situations, and proper first aid applications, should the need arise.

Weather conditions must be considered for excessive cold or heat and NEVER CHANCE LIGHTENING. Always make sure each player has a way home, be the last to leave.

Equal Play & Adequate Practice Opportunity
Coaches must provide equal sports play opportunity for all youth regardless of race, creed, sex, economic status or ability.