
How did we do? How can we improve?
Fill our your spring season evaluation!
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You can view the SPRING SEASON Special Rules here. (Last updated 4-2-2024)
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In our NEW spring league, 13 and 14 year old players can experience the joys of playing on a full-sized ball field with their peer group.
12-year-olds who will be finishing their final year in Little League are eligible
to register in the MCSLBA spring league as well (our game schedule will be compatible with
15-year-olds not playing high school baseball are also welcome to register.
Spring league details:
Skills evaluation in late March.
Practices begin in early April.
Games starting in mid-April and ending in late May.
Spring league participants will be encouraged to continue playing in our regular MCSLBA summer rec league. Game and practice schedules are travel-ball friendly.
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The “EARLY-BIRD” cost* of our programs will be:
Age 12 / BJLBA Swing: $65
Ages 13-15: $115
Early Bird pricing available 1/1/2024 to 2/26/2024.
The “GENERAL” cost* of our programs will be:
Age 12 / BJLBA Swing: $75
Ages 13-15: $125
* Fee waivers are available upon request.