Category Archives: MCSLBA News

Thank You Sponsors

Thank you to our early sponsors … MILLICAN REALITY, MAY INSURANCE AGENCY and APPLEBEES! We truly appreciate your commitment to our league and our community.

Please support those that support us. We are still looking for a few more sponsors so inquire within.

Join MCSLBA at Victory Field

Join MCSLBA at Victory Field on Saturday, August 11 as the Indianapolis Indians take on the Pawtucket Red Sox! Enjoy an evening at the ballpark with your family, friends, teammates and opponents while you take in the sights, sounds and smells of Indianapolis Indians baseball. RSVP to if interested.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, August 11, 2018

Time: Gates open at 5:30 pm – First Pitch at 7:05 pm

Location: Victory Field, 501 West Maryland Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225

Opponent: Pawtucket Red Sox

Ticket Price: $14.00 / person


Offers and Promotions:

DC Comics Super Hero Night – Batman & The Joker: Stop by PNC Plaza before and during the game to meet Batman and The Joker. Gates open at 5:30 PM. Presented by McDonald’s.

Cape Giveaway & Jersey Auction: The first 1,500 kids 14 and under will receive a cape giveaway. Plus, the Tribe will wear specialty jerseys, which will be auctioned off to raise money for local charities. First 1,500 Kids 14 and Under.

Indiana 811 Night: Indiana 811 is proud to serve as sponsor of 811 Night at Victory Field. August 11 is 8/11 on the calendar and serves as a natural reminder for all Hoosiers to always make a free call to 811 at least two full working days before they dig. Presented by Indiana 811.

Please feel free to share this invite with your family and friends! We cannot wait to see you at the ballpark!

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Officers Needed

Volunteerism is a tradition that over the years has made an immeasurable contribution to our organization and to our community. Volunteering isn’t simply a nice thing to do; it is necessary. What would our lives, our communities and our country be like without people from all walks of life using their precious time, skills and power of compassion to help others?

We truly believe that the volunteer network is the lifeblood of our program, and the fabric of our community. The simple truth is we would not even exist, let alone prosper, without the talents and gifts of our many volunteers.

With that in mind, we are currently looking for additional league officers to continue to shape and move the organization forward and help make a difference in the life of a child, young adult and shape our youth through quality athletic experiences.

The officers offer our heartfelt thanks to all our volunteers, who through their time and dedication have helped us reach many milestones for our youth and young adults and we hope you will consider joining us so that we all can continue to teach the ideals of sportsmanship, teamwork, integrity and a respect for all people. Thank you in advance for your commitment and devotion to our youth and the game.

Interested?  Email us at

MCSLBA Minor League Player Evaluations, Coaches and Sponsorship

The MCSLBA Minor league player evaluations are scheduled for next week, May 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the GOLD field at the Winslow Sports Complex. ALL PLAYERS (13-15, New and Returning) must attend 1 of the 3 sessions. Players should be dressed in baseball attire (i.e. cleats, pants, hat, etc.) and bring along their baseball gear (i.e. bats, helmets, glove, catchers gear, etc.) if in their possession.

Dates: May 1, 2 and 3
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Gold Field at the Winslow Sports Complex (

The Weather Hotline (812) 349-3610 option 2 should be used to determine if evaluations have been cancelled due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions. With that, the weather as you all know is finicky so we are asking that all players show up on the first “good and playable” day if at all possible so that we can make sure that we get to see everyone.

Please note that these are not tryouts as there are no cuts. All registrants will be placed on a team. These are simply player evaluations to offer the coaches and league a chance to review players and attempt to make equal teams across the league. These evaluations are meant to be low-key, non-stressful and encourage player participation. 12yo Swing Players do not need to attend these evaluations, but are welcome.

If you have questions or comments, please email us at

PS: We are still looking for a few more coaches so if interested, inquire at

PPS: Will you help us help our youth and young adults by sponsoring a team? If you would like to get your organization or club involved or know someone that would, please contact us at

League Appreciation Day


MCSLBA will be out at the Bloomington Dick’s Sporting Goods store Saturday, March 4th from 11am to 1:00pm providing league and registration information.

In addition, you can save 20% ON ANYTHING in the store (some exclusions apply) by dropping by our table and picking up our league coupon. It’s a great time to pick up your child’s baseball pants, glove, cleats or anything else for that matter.

Hope to see you here.

MCSLBA Major League Notice

Parents and Players:

It is with much disappointment that we notify you that MCSLBA won’t be able to provide baseball for the children and young adults in our community via our Major League Division (16-19yo) due to lack of overall registrations and interest.

For your information, we were only able to capture 11 total registrants which is obviously well under the count we need for an enjoyable baseball experience.  With almost 10k 16-19 year olds in or around our community we are very disappointed that we were unable to capture at least 50 of them.

We apologize for any inconveniences these changes cause, but with this information, we will continue to evaluate the product we provide and welcome your feedback on how and what we can do different and better in hopes of having the opportunity in the future to provide organized senior league baseball in our community.

Finally, please note that we will be sending out full refunds this week.  If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please email us at


The Officers of MCSLBA

Minor League and Major League Updates and Changes

MCSLBA Minor League (13-15 year olds) and Major League (16-19 year olds) players and potential players and parents please read carefully…

MCSLBA Minor League (13-15 year olds) players and potential players and parents:

I wanted to reach out to everyone (registered and potential registrants) in regards to the upcoming Minor League spring season. There has been a lot of communication and changes based on the challenges of this years (player count, weather etc.). With that, I once again wanted to make sure everyone understands the changes for the season and the timeline associated…

1. For those 2015 players (and anyone else for that matter) that have not registered, there is still time to do so. You can register at

2. For those players that have already registered or are thinking about registering, we have changed the ages of our two programs. The Minor Division now includes 15yo players (13-15yo). This means those that played as a 14yo last year, you will once again be able to participate in our Minor Division program. The reason for this change is to better align the skill levels.

3. ANOTHER CHANGE involves Minor Division evaluations. It was brought to our attention that Bloomington South Baseball scheduled a makeup game for this Thursday so our previous scheduled evaluation day has changed and multiplied. PLEASE NOTE: Evaluations are now scheduled for this Friday, April 15th, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on the GOLD field and Saturday, April 16th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm on the GOLD field. It is VERY IMPORTANT that those players that didn’t make it out to last Mondays evaluations make it out to one of these two evaluation days. This evaluation includes ALL registered 13, 14 and now 15yo players (even 2015 minor league returning players).

a. The Weather Hotline (812) 349-3610 option 2 should be used to determine if evaluations have been cancelled due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions.

b. These are not tryouts as there are no cuts. All registrants will be placed on a team. These are simply player evaluations to offer the coaches and league a chance to review players and attempt to make equal teams across the league. These evaluations are meant to be low-key, non-stressful and encourage player participation. 12yo Swing Players and High School Baseball Players do not need to attend these evaluations.

4. Again, the plan is to begin Minor League practices the week of April 18th.

5. Again, we are planning on staying with starting games May 9th. We are looking at playing Mondays and Wednesdays with Thursdays being a makeup day. (travel ball friendly) (dates subject to change)

6. Jamboree and picture day will stay May 7th (weather permitting).

7. The Minor League tournament will start around the week of June 20th.

MCSLBA Major League (16-19 year olds) players and potential players and parents:

Just like the Minor Division, I wanted to reach out to everyone (registered and potential registrants) in regards to the upcoming Major League spring season. Again, just like the Minor league, there has been a lot of changes based on feedback from the 2015 season and the challenges of this years (player count, weather etc.). With that, I wanted to make sure everyone understood the changes for the season and the timeline associated…

1. For those 2015 players (and anyone else for that matter) that have not registered, there is still time to do so. You can register at

2. The Major Division now supports 16-19 year olds. As previously mentioned above, we moved the 15yos to the Minor Division to better align the skill levels.

3. The big change at the Major Division for 2016 is based on feedback received… The schedule/calendar is being pushed back to better accommodate late arrivals (High School players etc.). The thought here is that now those away at school or playing in their local baseball program can now participate in more events and therefore find more value in participating in our league.

a. Minor league player evaluations are now scheduled for the week of May 9th. Further details on this will follow once we get a little closer to the date.

b. The plan is to begin Major League practices the week of May 16th.

c. We are planning on starting games May 31st. We are looking at playing Mondays and Wednesdays with Thursdays being a makeup day. (travel ball friendly) (dates subject to change)

d. The Major League tournament will start around the week of July 11th.

I believe that is it for now. I hope this information better informs where we are and where we are going for the 2016 Spring Season. If at any time you have questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to email us at

Thanks and I hope that you will be joining us on the fields for the 2016 spring season.

The Officers of MCSLBA


Anyone who is interested in being an umpire this season should plan to attend any one of the four umpire meetings that will be taking place next month:

Sunday, March 6th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Monday, March 7th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1
Thursday, March 10th at 6:00pm at Bryan Park Field 1

During these meeting our umpire-in-chief will be covering the basics of umpiring as well as the logistics of scheduling, pay, etc. Returning umpires please note that this year will be a little different so everyone (new and returning) need to attend to properly receive this new information for the 2016 season.

For more information you may contact Max at and/or visit our website at

MCSLBA Major League Player Evaluations

MCSLBA Major League (15-19 yr. old) players and parents:

A friendly reminder…

The MCSLBA Major League player evaluations will occur April 20th thru the 23rd on the Blue or Gold field at the Winslow Sports Complex. ALL PLAYERS must attend 1 of the 4 sessions, but may attend all 4 for additional practice/scrimmage time. Players should be dressed in baseball attire (i.e. cleats, pants, hat, etc.) and bring along their baseball gear (i.e. bats, helmets, glove, catchers gear, etc.) if in their possession.

Dates: April 20, 21, 22 and 23
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: April 20, 22 and 23 will be on the Gold Field at the Winslow Sports Complex (
Location: April 21 will be on the Blue Field at the Winslow Sports Complex

The Weather Hotline (812) 349-3610 option 2 should be used to determine if evaluations have been cancelled due to inclement weather or unplayable field conditions. Note: With inclement weather in the forecast, it is imperative that players attend the first available session so that we are guaranteed to be able to evaluate everyone.

Note: These are not tryouts as there are no cuts. All registrants will be placed on a team. These are simply player evaluations to offer the coaches and league a chance to review players and attempt to make equal teams across the league. These evaluations are meant to be low-key, non-stressful and encourage player participation.

If you have questions or comments, please email

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