Category Archives: Notice

Annual MCSLBA Meeting – Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Officers and Coaches in Good Standing,

Please take note of our scheduled annual MCSLBA meeting. Taking place Sunday, October 22nd at 7:00pm at my home (2128 East Meadowbluff Ct).

Commissioner Dave Huss will be calling up 2 main items for vote…

  • Our 2023 – 2024 Officer Election (Managers in Good Standing are able to vote here)
  • Our proposed calendar for the 2023-2024 season (Officer vote and Manager visibility and discussion)

Noting that there is no constitution change(s) up for discussion or vote this year (Manager visibility and discussion).  Max meeting time should be 15 minutes (give or take).

PS: If you know of anyone interested in joining the officers or generally getting involved with the league, have them inquire within. Thanks.


Officers and Coaches in Good Standing,

Our annual MCSLBA meeting.  Taking place SUNDAY, October 23rd at 7:00pm

Dave Huss will be calling up 2 main items for vote…

•  Our 2022 – 2023 Officer Election (Managers in Good Standing are also able to vote here)

•  Our proposed calendar for the 2022-2023 season (Officer vote and Manager visibility and discussion)

Noting that there is no constitution change(s) up for discussion or vote this year (Manager visibility and discussion)

Unlike some years, nothing special this year around the two items above as they represent “business as usual”.

PS: If you know of anyone interested in joining the officers have them inquire within.

Rain Makeup for Monday, May 30th

Attention: Based on our recent rainfall, games today have been cancelled. Today’s games will be played next Monday, May 30th as follows… 🌧

(Please note teams and times)

5:45 on Field #6: Hunger Skateparks -vs- Chris Smith Team / ReMax

8:00 on Field #6: Dick’s Sporting Goods -vs- ISU/The May Agency


Officers and Coaches in Good Standing,

Our annual MCSLBA meeting.  Taking place SUNDAY, October 17 at 8:00pm

Dave Huss will be calling up 2 main items for vote…

•  Our 2021 – 2022 Officer Election (Managers in Good Standing are also able to vote here)

•  Our proposed calendar for the 2021-2022 season (Officer vote and Manager visibility and discussion)

Noting that there is no constitution change(s) up for discussion or vote this year (Manager visibility and discussion)

Unlike some years, nothing special this year around the two items above as they represent “business as usual”.

PS: If you know of anyone interested in joining the officers have them inquire within.

MCSLBA Officers Meeting – October 12th, 2020

Officers and Coaches in Good Standing:

Dave Huss will be calling up 3 main items for vote…

  • Our 2020 – 2021 Officer Election (Managers are able to vote here)
  • Our proposed calendar for the 2020-2021 season (Manager visibility and discussion)
  • And our proposed constitution change(s) (Manager visibility and discussion)

Let me now share with you a few key points on these items…

  • We need more officers
  • The calendar does follow the norm, but I did want to point out that we are going to switch our major division league (16-18) from a normal weekday spring season to more of a fall-like season (still in the spring/summer) where as they would play on Sundays (double-headers etc.) to hopefully gather additional players and alleviate our 1-field sharing issue between, travel, minor division etc.
  • Lastly, our constitution is being changed to accommodate 12-year old players that have been requesting to play on the senior side and do not satisfy the normal “BJLBA swing player” classification.  In addition, we are changing our MCSLBA Tournament Director position into a Travel Ball Director position (with Tom Corns up for vote) which better represents our current league needs.

If you know of anyone interested in: President, Vice-President, Technologist, Umpire-in-Chief, Member-at-Large.

Season Status – 05/10/20

“Sadly, we were unable to get the chance”.

… Mayor Hamilton joined elected officials from Monroe County and Ellettsville to affirm their continued coordination in maintaining current public health guidelines through May 15.

So with said order comes the harsh reality that we unfortunately won’t be able to provide you and our community baseball this Spring / Summer.  While we truly understood that we might of had lofty goals, it doesn’t make it any easier to accept this final outcome.

While I am certain that this news is disappointing to many, I am hopeful that we can come back strong in late summer / fall to provide you a unique baseball experience that will hopefully fulfill this lost time.

For those that might be interested in how we got to said final decision, here are just a few key points…

  • The City (Parks and Recreation) has tentatively decided that the earliest possible start day for play at all outdoors sports facilities is July 4th.  Disappointingly bucketing our program in the same matter that say a sports complex like Twin Lakes is.
  • The City (Parks and Recreation) decided to convert one of our two fields (Field 5 – Blue Field) into a multi-function field (removed pitcher’s mound etc.) and rented it out full time to an adult soccer league leaving us less time slots for events.
  • We now share our one field with USSSA travel program (and South High School) which again limits our time slots available for events.
  • We would lose one week in July to an ASA (Softball) Tournament.
  • Unlike our sister youth organization (BJLBA) you might be accustomed to, we face the challenge in timing as it pertains to high school sports (like football etc.) so our program and associated schedule have to be generally high school sports friendly. (so we can’t “easily” go into late July or August for example)
  • And lastly, we told ourselves that we wouldn’t take your hard earned money unless we could provide you a quality program that would consist of at least 10 games, a tournament and associated practices.

So as you can might imagine on a “good year” we have our fair share of challenges to overcome and unfortunately the unique challenges in 2020 were just too much.  So on behalf of the officers, we want to thank everyone that reached out, registered and generally provided support while we charted our possible return.  So what are our next steps?

  • We will release everyone from the wait-list to officially signify our cancellation and your removal from our registration system.
  • For those early registrations that have previously paid, we will begin processing refunds this week.
  • With the assumption that the City will be open at some point, the officers will take this time to discuss the opportunity to provide a unique program between the months of August – October. More details to come.

So at this time, I will officially put a close to our Season Status responses with the hope that these touch bases have been helpful and have given you a better appreciate of our league and at least given you an insight to are many moving parts.  Thank you again for all the positive input and thoughts and I truly hope to see you all sometime in the near future.  Until then take care of yourself, your family and our community.

Kyle McAninch
President MCSLBA


COVID-19 Response – Follow Up 04/29/20

“We will figure it out”.

I think I can speak on behalf of all officers that are feeling like this isn’t just a moment of time, or movement, but truly our mission. With that, I hope that you understand and appreciate our commitment to bringing your child(ren) and our community youth baseball and will continue to do everything in our power to do so.

With that in mind here are some things we are thinking about:

• Our next steps will likely hinge on what comes out of the Governor’s plan that is expected to speak to how the state will gradually bring on services and events within Indiana. With this message slated for this Friday, May 1st

• As previously discussed we were targeting for a return on May 4th with the understanding this was indeed a lofty goal. While we will obviously miss this date, it won’t deter us from continuing to set goals and expectations.

• Our new dates are now focused on the weeks of May 11th, May 18th and May 26th with the understanding that is we can get started in May we will continue to stay the course of providing a quality baseball experience this spring / summer

• If we are unable to resume by June 1st (give or take), the Officers are also in agreement that we would look to cancel the Spring / Summer season in its entirety and look towards providing a unique late summer / fall-ball program

• We are continuing to look at possible changes to our league by-laws, rules and/or general baseball etiquette that would help with the transition to our possible new norm (ex. End of game sportsmanship / not shaking hands)

• Our overall goal is to provide each team a regular 10-12 game schedule (plus practice days and tournament game play) finishing the season by mid-to-late July

• Registration is still open and requires no money down at this time (all new registrations added to a wait-list)

• We are now currently limited to around 6 SLOTS LEFT in our MINOR DIVISION before we hit our max (and move to a wait-list / non-guarantee) so if you want a chance to participate REGISTER NOW

• For those players currently on the wait list we will release you once we get official word from the city that we can resume operations (once released we will require quick turn-around from you)

• For those currently unpaid, we will move to a PLAY NOW – PAY LATER model that will generally consist of deferred payment up to a set time (more details to follow, but it is our hope to accommodate those most affected by today’s landscape)

• We are still taking registrations for our MAJOR DIVISION (16-18 yo) with events and associated registration timelines currently under review with the likelihood of being modified accordingly – REGISTER NOW

In closing, I hope this message finds you healthy and positive minded and would like to truly thank all those that have previously acted on our call to register. While I can truly respect that all this can be overwhelming (changing messages, dates etc.) we will continue to make it a point to over communicate with you in hopes of helping everyone plan and schedule accordingly. With that, if there is anything we can do to help or you need additional information, please feel free to reach out to us. Thanks.

Kyle McAninch
President MCSLBA


Register at

COVID-19 Response – Follow Up 04/20/20

Minor Division (12-15 yo) parents and players, as promised the league officers met this weekend (virtually) and discussed our challenges and opportunities in regards to providing you and our community a fulfilling 2020 Spring/Summer baseball season.

With that in mind here are a few key points we landed on:

• As previously discussed and based on the current May 1st stay-at-home mandate, we are currently working on a modified calendar of events that has us tentatively starting our player evaluations the week of May 4th with the understanding that we will continue to evaluate this and all dates as we move closer to “normal” activities

• With the realization that we might not be able to safely resume by May 4th as mentioned above, the Officers are in agreement that as long as we can get started by June 1st (give or take a few days) we will continue to stay the course of providing a quality baseball experience

• If we are unable to resume by June 1st (give or take), the Officers are also in agreement that we would look to cancel the Spring / Summer season in its entirety and look towards providing a unique fall-ball program

• We are continuing to look at possible changes to our league by-laws, rules and/or general baseball etiquette that would help with the transition to our possible new norm (ex. End of game sportsmanship / not shaking hands)

• Our overall goal is to provide each team a regular 10-12 game schedule (plus practice days and tournament game play) finishing the season by mid-to-late July

• Registration is still open and requires no money down at this time (all new registrations added to a wait-list)

• We are currently limited to around 10 slots left in our MINOR DIVISION before we hit our max (and move to a wait-list / non-guarantee) so if you want a chance to participate REGISTER NOW

• For those players currently on the wait list we will release you once we get official word from the city that we can resume operations (once released we will require quick turn-around from you)

• For those currently unpaid, we will move to a PLAY NOW – PAY LATER model that will generally consist of deferred payment up to a set time (more details to follow, but it is our hope to accommodate those most affected by today’s landscape)

• We are still taking registrations for our MAJOR DIVISION (16-18 yo) with events and associated registration timelines currently on as scheduled – REGISTER NOW

With that said, the officers are excited and positive minded in our mission to provide you and the community a healthy distraction from today’s challenges. I do hope this message finds you also positive and optimistic and if there is anything we can do or if you have additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you for your continued support and hope to see you at the ball park soon.

Kyle McAninch
President MCSLBA

Register at

COVID-19 Response – Follow Up 04/14/20

Parents and players, I hope this note finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. As we continue to monitor the situation and as information continues to become available, I want you to know that the officers are working hard to provide you with timely guidance, support and to genuinely share with you exactly what we are thinking (right, wrong or indifferent).

Those thoughts currently are:

• We continue to follow the city’s lead and associated recommendations (shelter in place)

• We our continuing with our suspension of in-person activities – At this time, this mainly affects our travel ball program (Mayhem) which normally would be practicing and preparing for the upcoming tournament trail

• We are currently working on a “modified” calendar of events that has us tentatively starting our player evaluations the week of May 4th with the understanding that we will continue to evaluate this and all dates as we move closer to “normal” activities

• We are looking at possible changes to our league by-laws, rules and/or general baseball etiquette that would help with the transition to our possible new norm (ex. End of game sportsmanship / not shaking hands)

• Registration is open and requires no money down at this time (all new registrations added to a wait-list)

• Discounted Early Bird pricing has now ended with general registration closing soon

• The officers will be meeting (virtual) this Sunday, April 19th to discuss many of the items mentioned and therefore I will likely follow up with additional thoughts next week

As I have stated before we are hopeful to provide baseball for you, your children and the community as a whole but we all understand that we provide just that, baseball. While I believe baseball would be good for the soul right about now, please know no matter our desires (some would same dreams) right now we will not at any time jeopardize the health and well-being of our players or the community as a whole so if we must continue to postpone our program or cancel it in its entirety we without hesitation will do so. BUT for now, we will stay positive and optimistic.

Lastly, as stated above our early-bird registration has ended and general registration is now open. Our last call out was greatly received and acted on with near capacity received already. This is great news as a whole, but could leave you or your child on the outside looking in. With that said, we always try to accept as many registrations as we can, but understand that this year will likely required us to cut off player registration soon. So to give your player their best chance of participation this year, REGISTER NOW!

Again, I do hope that this information sharing is of benefit to you and WELCOME any and all feedback on anything I have spoken to today or before (good, bad or ugly).
Thank you again for your understanding and cooperation and be safe.

Kyle McAninch
President MCSLBA


Register at

COVID-19 Response – Follow Up 04/07/20

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying the beautiful and positive turn in our weather.  I don’t know about you, but this weather makes me excited for the multitude of outside activities and with bias, spring season baseball.  With that said, I wanted to again follow up with everyone on what we are currently thinking about in regards to the upcoming season(s).

  • We continue to follow the city’s lead and associated recommendations (shelter in place)
  • We our continuing with our suspension of in-person activities – At this time, this mainly affects our travel ball program (Mayhem) which normally would be practicing and preparing for the upcoming tournament trail
  • Our first scheduling challenge will likely be our Minor Division / Swing Player Evaluations that are scheduled to take place the week of April 27 – We are currently taking a wait and see approach, but suspect that we will need to push this event back at least 1-2 weeks (maybe longer)
  • Likely we will need to modify our overall schedule (practices and games), but will do everything in our power to provide an adequate and enjoyable season
  • Based on the possibility of an abbreviated season, we will look at any and all options that could include playing more days a week than our normally allotted 2-days a week
  • At this time, we are not expecting to hold weekend activities (excluding our Jamboree)
  • We are looking at possible changes to our league by-laws, rules and/or general baseball etiquette that would help with the transition to our possible new norm
  • Registration is open and requires no money down at this time (all new registrations added to a wait-list)
  • Discounted Early Bird pricing ends this Sunday, April 12th.

I do hope that this information sharing is of benefit to you and if there is anything we can do as a league or if you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach out to any of the officers of myself directly using the email address below.

To conclude, I can’t stress enough that it all starts with registrations and that you must register to guarantee a spot in our program while remembering at this time that your registration requires no money down.  Once we have enough registrations and when the all clear has been given we will release registrations to an active status where you will then go back into our portal and pay.  SO PLEASE REGISTER NOW.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation and be safe.

Kyle McAninch
President MCSLBA


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